10 food habits you should change for your health’s sake!

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Few things are more important for your existence than food. Everybody needs it, and hunger can drive a good man crazy. However, due to lack of awareness, laziness and apathy – a lot of people eat in unhealthy ways. Here are some diet habits that people need to change.

1. Eating restaurant food
With increasing work pressure, deadlines and stressful lifestyle a lot of people (especially bachelors) feel too tired to cook their own food, and eat out instead. However, this is not a wise thing to do as restaurant kitchens are often dirty and both the quantity and quality of oil is undesirable. In case, you have no choice try ordering sandwiches and dosa that take less oil to prepare. 
2. Not eating breakfast
Some people really enjoy their sleep. So much so, that when they wake up – the unhappy realization of being back in the real world makes them do most things half heartedly. This often leads to people skipping breakfast which is extremely unhealthy since breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not eating it will lead to lower levels of alertness and fatigue through the day. Here are some healthy Indian breakfast options that you can try.
3. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables
A lot of people look at food as a means of survival, and eat to fill their stomach so that they don’t feel hungry. However, our body is like a machine and it uses food as its fuel. If we eat unhealthy food, we are only making it difficult for the machine to work properly. It is good if we look at nutrition and eat foods that are good for us. Most fruits and vegetables are extremely good for you. A single orange can meet more than 100% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C. A single carrot can meet more than 200% of your daily requirement of Vitamin A. (Read: 10 reasons to eat an orange a day!)
4. Adding too much salt
There are some people whose taste buds aren’t excited unless and until they add extra salt to their food. However, salt has sodium which raises your blood pressure and can lead to hypertension which in turn can cause several problems for your body. Also, eating too much sodium can cause water retention, and in some cases dehydration. If your body isn’t well hydrated, the extra sodium will take water from your cells leading to a host of difficulties like nausea, stomach cramps, etc. 
5. Adding too much sugar
People with a sweet tooth really need to take a long look at their habits. Adding too much sugar in your diet, will not only lead to weight gain, it will also play havoc with your blood sugar level and could ultimately lead to diabetes. Another reason for you to not add too much sugar in your diet is that it reduces your body’s immunity, thus making you more susceptible to infections. 
6. Eating while walking or working
You have a deadline to meet and a train to catch. It would be better if you just grab some fast food and eat it on the way to office, right? Wrong. Research has shown that you tend to overeat when you are focusing on other activities. This habit is extremely common among the urban population and people who want to lose weight should beware.
7. Eating too quickly
Time is money, and a second wasted may be dollars lost. However, what will you do with the money if you don’t have the health to enjoy it? Eating slowly generates saliva and helps in breaking down the food which is good for your oral health and also helps your digestion. Additionally, eating slowly will enhance the pleasure of eating and make you appreciate the flavors better thus validating the effort that the cook has put in to make the food. 
8. Drinking tea/coffee on an empty stomach
A lot of people start their day with a cup of tea and coffee. However, it’s not healthy and these beverages make you secrete gastric acid which can lead to ulcers. Therefore, make sure you have your tea/coffee after eating your breakfast. In fact, if taken at the right time both tea and coffee can be healthy for you. 
9. Having just two meals per day
Research has shown that having small frequent meals has a range of health benefits. It helps with your digestion, keeps your metabolism in check, etc. Look at any diet plan recommended by a nutritionist and you’ll see that it has been broken into small, frequent meals. If you’re a housewife or a bachelor, who looks at food as means of survival – think again! Eating just two meals per day could be causing your body more harm than you know.
10. Eating food to release stress
Even people who are fat will admit that they love eating, and if they are feeling sad or stressed, their go-to drug for relief will be food. However, it’s an extremely unhealthy habit and is the cause of obesity in many people. In case, you have stress you can get out of your house and travel!
Hopefully, you will say goodbye to these bad habits in the coming year. 

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