How to Relieve Kidney Stone Pain Naturally: Home Remedies

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The pain from a kidney stone can often be sudden, sharp, and unbearable. For some people, the pain is as excruciating as giving birth. For others, the pain is terrible, but is more tolerable. If you suspect that you have kidney stones, go see your doctor or emergency room right away for an accurate diagnosis. In some cases, kidney stone pain can be confused with appendicitis.
Note: This article does not replace medical advice from your doctor. I hope to share with you what I learned about home remedies after recently suffering with severe kidney stone pain.
How Do I Know if I Have Kidney Stones?
Usually, people with kidney stones experience sharp, sudden pain in the left or right flank or back. The stone causes pain as it travels from your kidney to your bladder via the ureter. The pain may radiate, and you may find blood in the urine. Your doctor or emergency room will perform some tests to determine if you have kidney stones. A CT scan is a common tool for diagnosing these painful stones.
Once you have a diagnosis and you do not require additional medical intervention, you will most likely be sent home with heavy-duty pain medication and instructions to drink plenty of water. However, what happens when you are sensitive to these pain killers or prefer a natural solutions?
Natural Remedies for Kidney Stone Pain Relief
Note: Your kidney pain may not respond to these home remedies, but you may get some additional relief. Pain medications may be your best option to minimize the intense agony you are feeling.
1. Increase your water intake dramatically. Try to get 14 glasses of water per day while the kidney stones are passing. Once they have passed, keep drinking plenty of water each day to help prevent future stones.
2. Add a little citric acid to your water. Squeeze some juice from a fresh lemon or add a lemon slice. The citric acid may help to break down the components of the stone (calcium and salts).
3. Apply warm compresses to the area. The heat will help to dull the pain.
4. Find a comfortable position to rest and recover from your kidney stones, but be sure to walk around. Even if walking hurts, get some physical activity each day or you risk getting a serious, and potentially life threatening, blood clot in your leg. You may find that sitting propped up on pillows is much more comfortable than lying on your back.
5. Drink dandelion root tea. This herbal tea may help to cleanse the kidneys by acting as a diuretic. You can purchase this herb at your local natural food store or online at Amazon for about $9 for 30 tea bags.
6. Take Marshmallow root. This herb helps to reduce inflammation naturally in the digestive tract. Kidney stones may irritate and inflame the ureter as they pass to the bladder. This herb is also available at many local natural food stores or online at the Vitamin Shoppe for about $8 for 100 capsules.

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