5 amazing face packs using whisky

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Most of us know the disadvantages bundled with alcohol consumption but do you aware of the skin care benefits pouring by the same alcohol. Yes! they helps your skin in many ways: to tighten the skin, reduce wrinkles, dry and rough skin and to get glowing skin alcohol works like a magic. You can use beer, wine and especially whisky to make the face packs to get the listed significant benefits.
Face packs with whisky
Whisky with water 
  • One tablespoon of whisky
  • 3ml of water
How to make
One of the ideal way to use whisky on your skin is by mixing it with water. Mix whisky with water and use this mixture to rinse off your face. Leave it for five minutes and massage your facial skin with wet palms for a minute or another. Take clean water and give a final wash to get the natural glowing and fresh skin.
Lemon and whisky
  • Two tablespoons of whisky
  • Half tablespoon of lemon juice
How to make
Mix half tablespoon of lemon juice with two tablespoons of whisky and apply this mixture on your face. Let it sit for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. Pat it dry and follow up with moisturizer.
This face pack helps to reduce the dark and dull skin. Lemon with its bleaching properties treats acne, lightens dark skin and also cleanses it.
  • Half tablespoon of honey
  • Two tablespoon of whisky
How to make
Take honey in a bowl and mix it with whisky. Apply it on your skin and massage in the circular motions for a minute. Leave the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. Pat it dry and moisturize it.
Honey moisturizes your skin and makes it firm. This face mask will help to prevent the factor of skin ageing and is also aids perfect to tighten the skin.
Milk with whisky
  • One tablespoon of milk powder
  • One tablespoon of whisky
  • Half tablespoon of honey
How to make
To prepare the milk and whisky face pack one just requires the above three ingredients. Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl and apply it on your facial skin avoiding eyes with the finger tips. Massage skin for two to three minutes while applying it, let the pack sit for 10 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
The three ingredients milk powder, honey and whisky will help to bring even tone on the skin. This face mask rejuvenates the skin and makes it soft and clear.
Egg and whisky face mask
  • One egg white
  • One tablespoon of whisky
  • One tablespoon of milk powder
How to make
Separate the egg white from a whole egg and beat it until it becomes frothy, now slowly add whisky and  milk powder to it. Again beat the mixture to get the perfect consistency, finally add three or four drops of lemon juice and use this mixture to spread on your face. Leave it for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse off with distilled water to clean the pores, to treat acne and to prevent fine lines.

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