Five simple home remedies for Insomnia

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Often you wake up in the middle of the night, you don't fall asleep again no matter how much you try, instead you end up tossing and turning restlessly all through the night.
This can affect your day's activities as well as make you feel miserable during the day. Insomnia, a sleep disorder, can also have adverse effects on your health. 
Below are a few tips for a better night's sleep:
Make it comfortable: Make sure that your bed is not too hard nor too soft and that your pillows are in proper balance. One can sleep well if the bedroom is quiet, dark and noise-free.
Limit caffeine: Try not to have coffee after noon as it stimulates your brain thus affecting your sleep. If you are an insomniac, avoid food or beverages that contain caffeine after noon.
Regular schedule: Keep a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends. Avoid taking naps during the day if you couldn't sleep one night. This will help avoid trouble sleeping the next night.
Say no to gadgets: Once you are ready to hit the bed, keep all your gadgets including your phone away from you. Research has shown that the blue wavelengths produced by your smart-phone and other gadgets significantly subdues the melatonin production (the hormone that helps you fall asleep).
Meditate: Regular meditation is believed to help people with insomniacs. It helps calm your mind, thus, alleviating sleep disorders. Meditation can also help you put aside thoughts from the day, which is the best way to balance physical, emotional and mental states.

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