Talking to Your Teen About Meningitis

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If there has been an outbreak of meningitis in your community, it’s important to talk to your children about the illness. It is especially crucial to do so if they are teenagers or pre-teens. The disease is most common among kids 16 to 21 years of age.

There are several forms of meningitis. In general, meningitis refers to an acute inflammation of the delicate tissue lining the brain and spinal cord. The cause of this inflammation may be viral, fungal, or bacterial. Bacterial meningitis is the most serious type. There are several types of bacteria than can cause meningitis.

Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial infection caused by bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis. This type of bacteria is one of the most common, and most serious, forms of bacterial meningitis. It can strike rapidly, and if untreated can cause serious damage to the brain. It can even cause death. Many patients who get the infection recover, especially with prompt antibiotic therapy. But many patients may experience serious aftereffects, such as mental retardation, loss of function in a limb, or deafness. 

A vaccine against the germ that causes meningococcal meningitis has been available. It is recommended that all children be vaccinated at 11 to 12 years of age. Thereafter, a booster should be given at around 16 years of age. Young people who will be attending college and living in a dormitory should receive the vaccine, especially if they were not vaccinated at a younger age.

Teens At Risk

Teens are among the most likely to contract the disease. They are also the most likely to be carriers of the germ responsible for meningococcal meningitis infection. The disease is spread through close contact with body fluids, such as saliva or nasal secretions. Some people can be carriers of the bacteria that causes meningitis. They do not have meningitis and may not have any specific symptoms. They may not even be aware that they have been infected. But they are capable of infecting others.

In these instances, the bacteria usually grows within the moist lining of the nasal passages, or in the back of the throat. Sharing utensils, open-mouth kissing, and sneezing on another person are all ways that carriers may transmit the disease. Of course, people who are actually sick with meningitis are also capable of transmitting the infection to others.

If someone your child knows has been infected, your child may be at risk. Health officials will probably contact anyone who may have had intimate contact with the patient. Among teens, this could include dormitory roommates, girlfriends or boyfriends, or anyone else who may have had more than casual contact with the patient. It’s important to teach children not to share food, drinks, or utensils with other children. In most instances, a kiss on the cheek will not transmit the bacteria. But they should also be aware that kissing can transmit the disease. The disease can also be transmitted by invisible droplets through the air, when an infected person coughs or sneezes nearby.

Know the Symptoms

You should encourage your child to seek medical attention if they experience certain symptoms while living away from home. Meningitis symptoms may include rapid-onset fever, vomiting, severe and persistent headache, stiff neck, or confusion. In some instances, people with meningitis may become sensitive to light.

A purple-colored rash may appear. The angry rash signals a particularly dangerous form of the disease, in which the bacteria gets into the bloodstream. This condition is known as meningococcal septicemia and can be deadly. Remind teens to never ignore these types of symptoms and to seek immediate medical attention.

A typical meningitis purple rash

They should also be reminded to intervene if a dormitory roommate exhibits any of these signs. The infection affects the brain, so an infected person may be too sleepy or confused to seek attention. Prompt medical intervention is essential. The infection can become deadly within hours if left untreated.

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