The Best Facial Muscle Exercises to Stay Looking Young

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The face of any object always count a lot, most people go to the gym to shape there body size in different ways depending on their goals mostly they end up forgetting there facial muscles .It is normal as we grow our face loose its previous charm and starts to shrink and sag most people don’t like this and they end up applying costly treatments like chemo treatment and surgical actions in order to look young, but here are the few simple facial muscle exercises to stay looking young


Search a cool and comfortable place 
Just like the other mode of exercise to be able concentrate in your exercise. Look for a cool quite place with no interference. First select a seat of good posture then sit upright in your chair and relax for a minute to compose yourself together.
Neck stretch

Before you start any move you must fast stretch your neck by moving in different direction slowly while breathing in slowly and then out deeply. Spin your head several times then tilt it downwards and then upwards for few minutes.
Move your head as you look direct to one shoulder then tarn it to another shoulder for about 5 second repeats this thrice.
Slowly move your head as you tilt left wards as if you want your head to lay on your Shoulder holds it for about 10 second then repeats the same procedure to the right
Calmly move your chins from one shoulder to the other shoulder across your chest slowly for several times. Remember do not force the muscle, the moves should be gentle.


 Raising of eyebrows
Now just keeping your head still and using only your eye pop your eyes up and look the highest point you can and hold up for about 5 second then drop your eyes suddenly and upraise again for about three times.
Twisting eye
Look direct to the right side as you face is pointing forward and held for 5 second then repeat to the left side in the same posture . This eye exercise helps to reduce the eyelids dropping and it can refresh your eyes
Wide eye open
Just open your eyes wide open as if you have seen something very surprisingly without raising your eye brows repeat the procedure for around 5 times.


Tongue out
Take your tongue out and stretch it out as far as you can manage and held for around 1 minute
Look the roof
Hold your head up as if you are going to kiss something upward for 5 second then pull out your tongue as you stretch your neck and muscles


 Deep breathing
Each time you breathe out pucker your lips and blow out as if you are giving a kiss repeat this for 5 minute.

Use your right cheek bone by putting a three finger on top of your cheek bone and press it down and smile to push the cheekbone up do this for around 3 times and held it for 5 second.
Follow this simple and effective facial muscle exercises to stay looking young forever.

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