11 Health benefits of eating chicken

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When a person eats non vegetarian food for the first time, he/she usually starts with chicken. Not only is chicken safe food to begin with, it is also very healthy. Chicken can be called healthy or unhealthy depending on the way it is cooked. Fried chicken obviously has no health benefits but boiled chicken mas many. Likewise, the freshness of chicken also affects its health benefits. Frozen chicken is not healthy because it has lots of preservatives. But fresh chicken is filled with healthy proteins. To make your life easier, we have listed some of the most vital health benefits of eating chicken. Check it out..

1. Build Muscles: Chicken is lean meat. This basically means that it has little fats and lots of proteins. People who are trying to add bulk to their muscles eat lots of boiled chicken. 
 2. Increases Appetite: Chicken has zinc which helps to maintain a healthy appetite. A bowl of steaming chicken soup can change the taste of your mouth. 
3. Keeps Bones Healthy: Chicken has phosphorus which along with calcium keeps your bones healthy. It might be good for women who are prone to having weak bones. 
4. Heart Healthy: Chicken has cholesterol but it also has niacin which helps lower cholesterol. So if you pick lean pieces of chicken and have it without adding oil or butter, it is heart healthy. 
5. Improves Immunity: Chicken has lots of trace minerals in it that gives a boost to the immune system. Usually boiled chicken in pepper soup is also good for fighting off cold. 
6. Helps Children Grow: Chicken is a one of the best foods for growing children. Chicken has lots of amino acids that helps the child to grow taller and stronger. 
7. Cuts Risk Of Arthritis: Chicken is rich in a mineral called selenium. This selenium cuts the risk of developing arthritis at later stages of life. 
8. Relieves Stress: Chicken has vitamin B 5 or pantothenic acid which has a calming effect on the nerves. So if you are stressed out, nothing like grilled chicken to chill out. 
9. Reduces Rick Of Heart Attack: Chicken cuts the risk of heart attacks because it is rich in vitamin B 6. This vitamin lowers the levels of homocysteine. If you have homocysteine it can cause cardiac arrests. 
10. Soothes PMS Symptoms: Chicken has magnesium that can help you cope with pre menstrual stress. The magnesium levels in your blood reduces just before your have your period. So compensate by having some blanched chicken. 
11. Spikes Testosterone Levels: Chicken has special health benefits for men. This is because zinc in chicken helps to regulate the testosterone (male hormone) levels. These are some of the most vital health benefits of eating chicken. Cook chicken in healthy ways so that you can enjoy all its benefits.

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