7 tips to brighten up your smile

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It is often said that if you smile, the world smiles right back. Perhaps the most important thing you can wear is your smile. Dr. Rashika Vijan, the dentist of choice for Bollywood stars points out the dos and don’ts of keeping your smile at its sparkling best and dazzle everyone at the party.
Brush and floss daily – Everyone knows that we need to brush our teeth twice and floss daily, but you’d be surprised at the number of people who don’t follow this advice regularly. While brushing, don’t forget to scrape your tongue to remove any food residue stuck in its folds or taste buds. Read more about the right technique to brush your teeth.
People with braces, crown bridges, diastema (space between their teeth) or periodontally compromised teeth (excessive gap between gums & teeth) should utilise special interdental toothbrushes, which are specially designed for these conditions.
Snack right – While healthy foods help you avoid unwanted weight, they are also beneficial in maintaining oral hygiene. Munching on a stick of celery, carrot, or an apple cleans sticky food off your teeth. Chewing on parsley and mint leaves acts as a deodorizer. It increases the flow of saliva in your mouth, washing away bacteria that cause bad breath.
Don’t drink – Drinks are an inseparable part of any party, especially in the North. You should, however, avoid aerated drinks (diet included), black tea or coffee, and red wine, as these cause teeth stains. Drink water instead – it doesn’t stain; it rinses away any food stuck in your mouth and also keeps you well hydrated.
Fluoride Mouthwash – Mouthwash with high alcohol content can actually worsen bad breath. Instead, choose to rinse your mouth with a few drops of peppermint oil mixed in water. Chewing on sugarless candy/gum causes salivation, which washes bad bacteria away. Read more about the importance of mouthwash.
Here are some more tips that you can use to brighten up your smile.
Stay away from tobacco – Smoking and consuming other forms of tobacco can cause several problems like bad breath, stained teeth and gum disease. In smokers, the gums pulling away from the teeth and destruction of bone is especially more noticeable behind the upper front teeth and it can seriously ruin your smile.
Stay away from coffee and soft drinks – Pigments from coffee and soft drinks can stick to your teeth and give it an unsightly appearance thus ruining your smile. If at all you have to consume it, make sure you rinse your mouth with water a little while after. Here are some foods you should avoid for the sake of your oral health.
Try home remedies – Swishing your mouth with coconut oil first thing in the morning or eating bananas can give you whiter teeth and improve your smile. Even chewing on tulsi or holy basil leaves is a good idea. Read about more home remedies that can give you whiter teeth.

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