Top 5 almond oil skin care tips to protect your winters from dryness



The most inevitable signs of a winter skin are dryness, flaky and cracked skin. The evident
temperature difference between the outdoor and the indoor, results in loss of moisture from
the skin which in turn results in the flakiness and the dryness. The winter season is approaching
and it is time that you start taking preventive measures to avoid the dryness in the skin.

 Here are some top tips with Almond oil care just for you:

Tip 1

The first and foremost thing that you must ensure for a good and hydrated skin is to be gentle
with your skin. Since the coldness of the winter season can dull the skin and at times also make
it feel numb with cold, make sure to change your alcohol based skin care regimen into a gel
based skin products regimen which can help in locking the moisture in the skin preventing the
dryness and the flakiness. Never use soaps on skin as it can make the skin even drier. Instead,
use face wash for your skin and soak yourself with almond oil massage every day before a bath.

Tip 2

Almond oil is not only a rich source of vitamin, but it is also very rich in nutrients and minerals
like potassium, magnesium, fiber, zinc and iron. The Almond oil also contains amygdalin which
contains vitamin B 17 which can protect your skin from cancerous growths. Use a few drops of
Almond oil for massaging your skin before bed time. It will not only moisturize your skin but
also help you in getting rid of the wrinkles and the dark circles from the underneath of the eyes.

Tip 3

There are several great uses of almond oil for the beautifying of the skin. For instance, it can be
blended with floral water and can be used for the biphasic cleansing of the body. Secondly,
there is no need to dilute the oil and can be used for better protection of the skin against
moisture loss. Use Almond oil on face instead of night cream and see the difference in a week’s
time. If your hair is dry, you can also use almond oil in your hair to treat frizziness and dryness
of the hair. Use Almond oil on your baby for a great body massage. You can also use almond oil
along with Rosa Mosqueta and Shea Butter and use the combination mixture for prevention of
stretch marks in your body during the pregnancy period.

Tip 4

If you are fond of aromatherapy, make use of almond oil on your body right after having a
shower. If you are troubled with cracked heels, rub some almond oil on the heels and see the
difference in a short span of time.

Tip 5

Winter time is also a time when people mostly feel depressed. Lift up your spirit with a hot
almond oil massage.
Beauty is also a thing of concern for people regardless of the gender and age.