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Ayurvedic is a traditional Hindu medicine system of Vedic tradition and it is commonly used an alternative medicine. Despite the fact there are no specific evidence of the effectiveness of the Ayurvedic medicine, the system is well known its ability provide remedies for conditions such as depression and how to keep ones heart healthy. Whereas medical advances increases life by about two years it is believed that Ayurvedic can add up to 15 years since it is mainly concerned with change in personal behavior. Ayurvedic system practitioners have come up with top tips for healthy life management. If these tips are adhered to, one can lead a healthy and disease free life.

Early rise and breakfast.

· Early rise up helps in prevention of maladies such as depression, diminished digestion and is therefore important to wake up early, in fact with the very first morning rays. These juvenile ultraviolet rays act as mood dilators and mind stimulators. They are also rich in vitamin D which is very important for bone strengthening.
· Having breakfast is important for keeping one energized for the remaining part of the day. It is therefore important to always spare some time for breakfast as frequent skipping of breakfasts may lead to a health problem. Furthermore, for a healthy life this should be the heaviest meal of the others. 

Having adequate or sound sleep

· Having enough sleep helps in relaxing one’s mind and body and also in regaining the energy lost during the day. Sleep is also an important ingredient that aids in retaining and reviving the natural wellness.
· Therefore, adequate sleep, seven to eight hours, is recommended. In fact Ayurveda recommends an early to sleep and rise formula, by resting after 10pm and making it by dawn, as ozone level is highest at dawn and has a positive impact to one’s health.

Healthy eating habits

· Two important aspects of good eating that need to be considered are what and whet u is important to be mentally in a state of tranquility and happiness. Physical hygiene also helps in nourishing of meals. Ayurveda compares taking meals to performing something sacred hence mental purity is necessary. Food recommended for consumption should be unctuous, warm and light. Such food is well digested and is believed to nourish both the body and mind.
· Another aspect of good eating is occasional detoxification. With full compliance to Ayurveda detoxification there noticeable improvement in skin conditions, vigor gain, improved digestion, mental gain such as high level of clarity and feeling cheerful.
· Ayurvedic principles advocate for drinking water in sips rather than in gulps. This is because taking water in sips helps to take more saliva to the stomach which aids in food digestion. How often and the way one takes water matters a lot.

Regular exercise and recreation

· Walks or any other form of exercise done on a daily basis in fresh air is very important for fit body and mind. Breathing techniques such as Pranayama help to relieve mind especially when in depressive state. 
· Regular exercise also helps in boosting the immune system which is responsible for maintaining the body in a healthy state. Generally, exercise helps in building an all-round strong body.
· Occupying one’s mind during the day brings about the feeling of happiness and positivity. Recreation helps keep the mind always positively stimulated.

Connecting with nature

· It is important to connect with all the natural elements. This brings about the feeling of being natural as we are also made from the natural elements; air, water, sun and earth.
· Connection with nature will always bring about a soothing effect and a sense of belonging.


It is never a good feeling, to many, visiting a doctor or a health practitioner. If this is the case then we can embrace on the health tips above to keep the doctor at bay. 

1 comment :

  1. That's Pretty impressive to know all this
    thanks for this :-)
